
The Beauty of The Deosai National Park

Situated at an altitude of 4114 meters (13 497 ft) above sea level, the Plain Deosai merupakn second highest plateau in the world after the Tibetan Plateau. National Parks are located in Skardu, Pakistan is covering an area of ​​3000 square kilometers (1,200 sq mi).
In addition are rich in flora and fauna of the ecoregions-Karakoram. Deosai also famous for its spring when most of the plains are covered by a carpet of millions of flowers and various kinds of butterflies.
Deosai lake located in Gilgit-Baltistan. The beauty of the Himalayas can be seen from the vicinity of Lake Deosai.
Deosai National Park was established in 1993 to protect the viability of the Himalayan brown bear, Pakistan's largest omnivore, and its habitat. Having long been a Short for poachers, brown bears now have hope for survival in Deosai, where the Himalayan brown bear have been increased from only 19 head in 1993 to 40 in 2005.
Besides brown bear is also home to the Plain Deosai Himalayan Ibex, Red Fox, Golden Marmot, Gray Wolf, Ladakh Urial, Snow Leopard, and a place bermigrasinya more than 124 species of birds. Bird on the plains Deosai including Golden Eagle, Lammergeier, Griffon Vulture, Laggar Falcon, Peregrine Falcon, Kestrel, Sparrowhawk and Snowcock.
Route :
Deosai National Park can be accessed via two routes. One is through the City of the second through the District Skardudan aStore. Starting from aStore Chilum, continues through fields and a paved road to the main lake before climbing into Deosai. The route from Skardu is via the unpaved road that could take two days to get through. 



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